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Post No 179: Me? Your Prisoner

Melissandra Blade

Ssandra is wearing:

[Vips Creations] - Female Outfit - [Alexia]

Shoes, clutch and panties included

A&A Leeanne Hair All Colors V2


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You ...

by Irina Lucia Mihalca

You, " You , yes , you ! You are like an ocean, Wide Ocean, heartbreaking beauty, Like a spell, into deeper and deeper Catch me in the storm of emotions, torrent, With every wave you're boiling unrest, tornadoes, Arpeggios crystallized touches and so eagerly you sip me. Dancing with the sounds, A fire reveal, Fire in us - A dream in white. Glances Whirlwind, Burnings, Delirium, Chills, snow, A flapping of wings And quiet... Just quiet.

Me? Your prisoner." .......................................

Irina Lucia Mihalca - Tu...

Romanian version (original)

" Tu... Tu, da, tu! Tu eşti ca un ocean, ocean de necuprins, de-o frumuseţe sfâşietoare, ca un descântec pătrunzi năvalnic, adânc, tot mai adânc, surprinzi în mine furtună de emoţii, torent nestăvilit, cu fiecare val nelinişti clocoteşti, tornade, cristalizezi arpegii de atingeri şi cu atât nesaţ mă sorbi. Dansând cu sunetele, un foc dezvălui, focul din noi - un vis în alb. Priviri, vârtej, arderi, delir, fiori, ninsori, un fâlfâit de aripi şi linişte... Doar linişte.

Eu? Prizoniera ta."

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